Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oil from Gulf of Mexico spill to pollute Florida beaches

The latest report says that the oil from Gulf of Mexico spill is coming closer and closer to Florida beaches, and officials say that the oil slick, containing thousands of tar balls, is only nine miles from Pensacola on the Florida panhandle, meaning that is almost inevitable that it will be soon seen on Florida beaches.

Oil spill may reach Florida beaches in a couple of days so it is really no surprise that workers have been in a hurry to place more booms along the threatened coastline in an effort to protect its beaches and wildlife.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is well aware of this danger and he already acknowledged that "the goal is to remove oil from near shore waters and prevent or minimize any potential impacts on our state".

Hopefully Florida won't be hit as hard as Louisiana where White House even had to approve the construction of five sand barriers, off its coastline, to prevent the worst possible scenario. Still, many feel that Obama's administration was too slow with this regulation, and slow administration is the last thing country needs right now to protect its coasts.

The clean-up costs are nearing the $1 billion mark (current estimates say around $990 million, and the success is still far from being guaranteed.

It will be very interesting to see whether the oil's polluting nature that was so clearly visible in this latest gigantic oil spill will be enough to convince United States that they should do everything in their power to ensure clean energy future. Or will good old Uncle Sam yet again humbly bow to "almighty" oil lobbies.

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