Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wastewater treatment - Facts

Wastewater treatment includes different methods and processes that are used to clean wastewater from certain contaminant(s).

The most common form of wastewater treatment includes large wastewater treatment plants that use different physical, chemical and biological treatment processes to clean up wastewater.

Other forms of wastewater treatment in United States include On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) that are very common in rural areas, and serve up to one quarter of the homes in the U.S. It is estimated that in the United States, On Site Sewage Facilities collect, treat, and release about 4 billion gallons of treated effluent per day from an estimated 26 million homes, businesses, and recreational facilities nationwide.

The main benefit of wastewater treatment is that treated wastewater can afterwards be reused as drinking water, or used in industry and agriculture for several different purposes (cooling towers, irrigation).

The most expensive wastewater treatment methods are connected with industries because industries produce huge amounts of wast waters, and thus require chemical treatments that are very expensive, and start with removing suspended solids from the wastewater.

Algae could have very important role in future wastewater treatment plants, for instance Algaewheel, company based in Indianapolis, Indiana, presented a proposal to build a new wastewater treatment facility in Cedar Lake, Indiana that would use algae to treat municipal wastewater.

The substances that are removed during water treatment are called sludge. Sludge can be later used for several different purposes, such as fertilizer.

Wastewater treatment is successful if treated wastewater can be discharged back into the environment without causing environmental and health risks.


  1. Waste water needs to be treated.

  2. Doing a project on this... Waste water NEEDS to get treated!:)
